Christ Shares

Sharing Christ's Teachings, Testifying to his Goodness

No, Technology WON’T save us

I recently came across a headline that boldy claimed: Technology will save us.

But no it won’t. Technology and science have been great but they are also a double edged sword because while they have greatly improved the living conditions of humanity, the nature of man is to either deliberately use them and especially technology, to find more lethal , deadly and destructive ways to use them against their enemies e.g. guns, tanks, missiles, nuclear warheads – or to inadvertently create things that initially appear very useful or harmless but later turn out to be quite toxic e,g, cigaretttes, plastic

I’m not a luddite. Indeed I’ve loved technology, gadgets ever snce I grew up watching Star Trek about 40 years ago. I’m just saying that if we’re looking to technology to bail us out, we’re going to be in big trouble.because the trouble is man’s nature. We appear to be incaple of reigning in our worst impulses – especially greed.

Until we realise that it’s human nature that’s the problem we won resolve the major issues facing us and will merrily paddle onto extinction unless Jesus arrives.

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